Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This Is Love;

Because my mind drifts alongside with the whispers of the dull, dark, crispy wind tonight, back to a place where the sun shined brighter, radiating in its full glory, and everything seemed sweeter than ever.

That very point in time where it felt like love did indeed conquered all, that point in time where we laughed genuinely with our hearts, and enjoyed every moment spent together. That point in time where my life was filled with you, just you, and nothing but you.

I can't stop thinking about you tonight. I can't stop thinking what life would've been for us had we stuck together, side by side, through it all. I could only imagine the amount of joy we would have tasted, the amount of love we would have encountered, and the amount of memories we would've collected together.

Because behind all this little games, I hope that you still care, like how I still care for you.

I miss you, with all my heart, my soul, and my very being, and I just need you to see this. So cling on to me, like the last breathe you would breath.

More than he ever do, more than he ever will.


This time, we'll fade out tonight.

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